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April News

Wow - am I alone in feeling that this last month has been wild???!! Up until 1700's we used to celebrate New Years Eve at the end of March and sometimes I wonder why we don't bring back this tradition. For me, I have really felt an energetic build up since January - I'm not a winter person and I have to work harder at looking after myself physically and mentally. On a practical level we've had relentless cold in February, endless rain in March and in general it's felt like a hard, cold winter. There is a lot at play astrologically right now and exciting as it is it can bring about feelings of unrest and over activity in the mind. Throw in a Spring Equinox, a clock change, the Astrological New Year (Hello Aries) and the craziest changeable weather - it's a ride! With routines on the shift and the official start of the bank holiday season upon us I find myself more than ready for my quarterly break. It's a "self check in" in more ways than one! Things seem to change so much so quickly these days so taking the opportunity to reassess where I'm at in my work, personal life and energy levels. I'll be at the East Coast later this month using a little time out to reassess, recharge and replenish my soul to come back with a light beam or two at the tip of my fingers. Time out with the fur babies is like soul food so we are off to a cottage by the sea not far from Filey. Nothing but endless walks, milky coffees and of course - a chip or two will be a focal point. A quarterly check in is something I won't go without these days. Sometimes it's just a weekend of protected time, sometimes it's a week. It gives me the chance to see what I want to take forward and what I can let go of. Over the next few weeks I hope you can find time to give yourself the break that you need in whatever small way - it's so important, so needed and so worthwhile. New New New I've been lucky enough to spend some time over at Holy Cow Yoga in Chesterfield which is one of my favourite places to practice. Sometimes getting out of Sheffield and the usual routine is like a mini break and when the yoga is awesome it's a no brainer. I'm teaching the Monday evening 6.30pm Yang to Yin class which I absolutely love and as always - would love to see you at. Holy Cow offers a great deal for students and a very respectable drop in rate of £10 so it's well worth a reccy if you're looking to stretch your yoga wings. Thursday evenings at R1se is becoming a real gem - the focus on movement to breathe and the undeniable potential of ujayi pranayama in a group setting is seeing this group grow wings. R1se has some great options for new students and is one of the most flexible studios in terms of membership options. Sunday mornings at Yoga at the Reach is also a highlight of my week. It's a strong practice with a focus on breath work to movement. It's been wonderful to be able to introduce some of my learning from last October with Philip Xirri into a new setting and see the response being so positive and transformative in people's practice. I've found myself having a conversation about the importance of a "yoga home" a number of times recently and how unsettling it can feel when your routine is disrupted or your yoga teacher changes. I'm sure anyone who knows me knows that yoga is my anchor and I know a lot of students that really value their practice especially in times of uncertainty. If finding a place to call "yoga home" is something you have on your radar at the moment I'd love for you to check out one or two of the above spots. Drop me a line if there's anything you'd like more information on and let me save a space on the mat for you. If you are looking to get further away from home with yoga and a retreat is on your mind I will be releasing September dates in the very near future. The transition from summer into the autumn season is another great time to reset and recharge so I'll be taking names on a first come first served basis - make sure you let me know if you feel a calling to join me - seats get filled quickly for this time of year. For now I'll send much love for the next chapter - and hope to see you on the mat very soon!



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