A yoga home isn't just somewhere to practice. To me it should be somewhere that you can grow as a person. A place that isn't just physical in space but an energy that feels safe, supportive and warm. There should be a connection that you can't mistake or explain and that includes a connection with your teacher and guide. A space where you feel that your soul is being truly nurtured and nourished by everything that happens there.
Yoga for me has become a real metaphor. Yesterday morning the theme our class took was that "calm is a super power". Together we worked through challenges, tricky balances, flow sequences and strong holds with quieter moments, breath work and meditation. It REALLY reflected a lot of how life can be at times and the students shared some similar reflections in down time after class.
Those little golden reflections are what creates a yoga home for me. If you haven't found yours I hope you go on to do just that - and that your practice supports you in the way it absolutely can with the right ingredients.
Love love love Yogi's x